Lamu to Zanzibar 2019


FLIPFLOPI MAP-lamu-zanzibar.jpg

Backed by UNEP Clean Seas Initiative, the Flipflopi set sail on the first overseas expedition in January, travelling 500kms from Lamu to Zanzibar to raise awareness about marine plastic pollution. 

Flipflopi sailed south along the coast of Kenya stopping in Watamu, Kilifi, Mombasa Diani and Shimoni, before crossing into northern Tanzania to Pemba Island, and culminating in Stone Town, Zanzibar. 

Along the way our team of volunteers visited multiple schools, communities and government officials along the way sharing practical solutions on how to reduce and repurpose plastic waste, and changing mindsets. 

Beyond generating huge international awareness, Flipflopi was able to really engage communities, businesses and policy makers in serious discussions - and we started to see real actions, not just words, from the people who have the ability to really turn the tide against single-use plastic.


Remember, this was never only about the boat - we simply want to demonstrate that single use plastic doesn’t make sense. We hope to inspire people around the world to find their own ways to repurpose ‘already-used’ plastic.




The Flipflopi sailed over 500 kilometres from Lamu to Stone Town, and then returned back to Mombasa, so the actual distance was over 650 km. It took 14 days.


Yes, we stopped at 12 different communities in Kenya and Tanzania, and organised and ran 7 community events to thousands of people, with > 50 local and regional partners. We conducted a number of practical recycling workshops, presentations, beach clean-ups and visited many marine conservation and innovative plastic recycling initiatives to shine a light on positive home-grown solutions.


Awareness of the expedition has reached all corners of the world with features in > 50 local, regional and international media. We directly reached about 3000 schoolchildren who came on the boat to learn about plastic pollution.
39 businesses (as of today) in the local tourism industry have pledged to ban/ reduce single use plastic. Mombasa county committed to closing the largest dumpsite and install environmentally friendly waste management systems in its place. National government officials and environmental governing bodies in Kenya and Zanzibar made commitments for long-term progress.



We are indebted to the following supporters of the FlipFlopi Clean Seas Expedition. Without their support in various ways (accommodation, time, money, energy and expertise) the expedition would simply not have been possible. Asante!!